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Prayer Breakfast

There are few things better than gathering together with a group of men to pray, eat a hearty country breakfast and catch up on life's happenings.  If you are interested in any or all of these things, we invite you to join us the third Saturday of each month for our Men's Prayer Breakfast.  We begin at 8:30 am with a time of fellowship over the best breakfast you will eat all month.  This is followed by an earnest and sincere time of prayer.  We believe that men are the spiritual covering of thier home and the foundation of our church.  It is vital that we come together to pray for each other, our church, our nation and any specific needs that arise.  


We hope to see you and encourage you to bring a friend.  For more information, please contact our church office at 865-453-6031.  Have a blessed day and we will see you soon for prayer and bacon!


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